Sat Naam dear community,
We're beginning this new mantra. Join whenever you'd be happy to.
A perfect mantra for Christmas time,.. Jesus coming on this earthplane, unifying body, mind & divine essence.
May we all find balance between this existence, where we can learn so much, opening the heart, embodying this life with presence, & coming back within, connecting to our true identity, shining our Soul.
May we welcome all of who we are, with self-love, and may we welcome everyone we meet with warmth & equanimity, seeing their divine essence.
I wish you all happy holidays. May you find connexion, love, compassion, peace, joy, contentment, laughters, good health, always more presence, and all you need.
There won't be any Monday class on the 25th December. I'm sorry I have to cancel. But I'll see all the courageous ones that would like to begin the new year directing the mind to the practice! So let's meditate and chant together on the 1st January if you feel call to.
Much love
Sar Santokh Kaur
Humee Hum Brahm Hum
We are we, We are God
(We are the mirror as well as the face in it.
We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity.
We are pain and what cures pain, both.
We are the sweet, cold water and the jar that pours. (Rumi))
Severine, kindly share the name of the music (w/Rumi Poem) and artist that we listened to in Shavasana.