Dear Community,
Here is our new mantra for a few weeks 💖
Our first class was already a beautiful reminder to the truth we are, to connect to that divine seed, and make this blissful essence our true identity. So much looking forward to diving even more into this powerful mantra! And bring peace within so that we make it vibrate all around.
Much love
Sar Santokh
Sar Santokh:
I have enjoyed so much your thoughtful and meaningful explanations of the mantrs's and how you present the kriya's and meditations! Your love shines through clear and strong! Thank you! I am able to attend next week - December 18 - and then will be endiing my membership. Hopefully I will return at a later date! Thank you so much! Terrie
what an awesome reply <3
Thank you Sar Santhok for this clear explanation!!! It is so instructive for me ( even though the question was not mine) but also for other people. Love to you!!! ❤️🙏🏻💛🇳🇱
Hi, Sar Santokh 😀 in the Sat Naaraa-in prananyama we mentally recited the mantra with specific counting. Inhalation was one count, holding breath was for count, exhale was two count. Is there any reason for these specific counting patterns? ⭐️