Published on March 6, 2021.
There's an old saying that March "comes in like a lion and out like a lamb", and I guess this is referring to the weather, but it alludes to something else: this month typically starts with a burst of energy and feels a bit more relaxed near it's end... well, this is all by design as the number 3 represents the Positive Mind, AKA the "Projective" Mind; which is the aspect of the mind constantly scanning the future for new ideas, possibilities, and ways to make life interesting! This energy often starts of like a burst of a flame, and then can transition to a slow simmer after the initial catalyst.
The Positive Mind is brilliant, creative, driven, bold, powerful, and collaborative. It sees only possibility, without really paying much attention to whether something will succeed or not.... In fact, it tends to be the downfall of those with 3s in challenging positions, because when the Positive Mind is imbalanced it often doesn't see failure as a possibility and thus does not prepare itself, or it hits a wall and the ill conceived plan it hastily put together falls apart leaving the individual or group feeling hopeless. However, when harnessed and applied with a bit of moderation, this body can imagine and put in motion cures for cancer, the blueprints for future societies, and imaginings far beyond our wildest dreams!
March of 2021 carries a special energy with it, because the Gift of this year is also a 3 (by way of 21, the last two digits of the year; 2+1=3), so we now have an ABUNDANCE of 3 energy at play, giving this time the auspicious potential to push your new ideas to the forefront and really get them going. But a warning, the Heart calculation for the month (that which matters most to our hearts), which is created by the addition of these two 3s, adds up to the number 6; representing the intuition, home, the family, protection, and immunity. With all this 3 energy swirling around, we may start to skip steps and take huge risks that have the potential to deteriorate our immune system and negatively effect our familial relationships and intuitive insights, and this coupled with the pandemic and the change in season, can leave some so burnt out that their health is compromised.
When this happens, the solution will not be to "will" ourselves better as the Positive Mind would prefer, but rather it's a good idea to take a step back, recognize that although we have great ideas and tried our best, we ultimately are not THE Doers, but players in roles written for us. This experience is humbling, as we will need to surrender our egos to let go of the control we may wish to assert, as it will only make matters worse otherwise. After all, aren't we all just tiny creatures on a giant rock flying through outer space?? Sometimes when we start to feel so expansive, it's necessary to ground ourselves with the reality check that we actually control little to nothing in our lives, when looked at through the lens of the Divine as the Doer.
One final thought to add... even though we may allow ourselves the surrender experience of feeling and being nothingness/zero/shuniya at times, this is not meant to be an excuse to use spiritual bypass to avoid the world and its problems, claiming we have no control and that inaction is the only path forward. What it does do is help us release some of the excess weight and responsibility from our shoulders, which we do not have to bear alone. We have our karma; and the universe, the world, and our loved ones have their own. By letting the Divine step in, we can give the great unseen wisdom of the Universe the chance to fulfill itself while we bask in the awe of it's power and magnificence.