Sat Naam
Irritation, anger, judgement, and restlessness are all signs from your body that you’ve got an imbalance with the fire in your body. Listen to these wise messages and consciously choose foods that support pacifying pitta (fire). Take time to pause, rest, and chill. Take some burdock root and dandelion tincture to help cleanse the liver. Reflect on the messages your body is giving you. 💗
I take those regularly because of a genetic mutation my liver only filters at 50% the rate it is supposed to. Taking these supplements gets it to almost normal. With a clean liver I start joking around with people and am a little less shy about self expression. It is easier to focus and I get earthly things done quicker, naturally. Physically I can do more and that is very enjoyable to me. Believe it or not I used to be a runner and have hiked the Colorado Rockies! so any nature experience I get to have now is restorative.
It's like once the cleansing process started, with herbs and acupuncture, I never wanted to stop. The practices kept pulling me back because I felt more aligned after consuming them/treatment. My speech was effortless, I had proper digestion and elimination, and moon cycles improved. I felt less need to eat comfort food, and more need to eat lighter.
When all else fails holding my hands above my head for a few minutes resets it, other times I put it into pulling weeds, and other times dancing to 90s grunge music gets it out 🙃
With all the toxins in the environment, I will continue to cleanse always.